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Sometimes You Need a Helicopter

The ability to hover over any part of a 2,500 acre property in a matter of seconds makes quick work of reviewing large tracts of land.

Last week, somewhere in Central Virginia, Conor Bredder met with one of our newest clients who purchased a significant amount of property. This client retained Bredder Land Management to provide farm management services and assist in the design and process of turning a historical timber tract into a blend of pine savannas with warm season grasses, merchantable timber (some of which needed pre-commercial thinning yesterday), pasture and field. With nearly 10 miles of internal roadways and pine harvested at different intervals over the past decade, we are working with several contractors throughout central Virginia to assist in the sustainable reclamation of this land.

"With so many moving parts and trying to manage several projects at once, its worth some R & D time in the air to really get the big picture. We probably saved six-figures in logistics and project selection just by spending less than an hour in the air." Says Conor of the trip with Bill Gillette, of Rock Springs Forestry, and the property owner.

One of the first things most of our clients want to do when they first purchase a large tract of land, especially one that has historically been a large timber tract known for good hunting, is prevent the constant trespassing. It is imperative to try to prevent trespassing by installing fence, gates, posting the property and installing trail cameras at access points. We marked several more access points we had not seen using satellite imagery from throughout the past decade.

As our role in the local industry has changed, we now primarily offer farm and estate management services and no longer provide fence installation. Therefore, we obtained quotes and determined the best contractor for the job of securing access points. We provided the same service for the road construction contractor, forestry mulching and sub-soiling company, and several others. Barns are being erected, timber is being pre-commercial thinned, and we are simply excited about being on the property.

Check back for more updates as this property is sustainably reclaimed!

"I had a lot of fun. This was a new experience for me, using a helicopter to manage a large property. We are working to establish a sustainable farm. The client is excited, we're excited, the team is excited. We're going to be providing a lot of our services in the way of management and consulting, seeding and planting, prescribed burning, and overall wildlife management. We may have to use walkie-talkies when managing the property, and now our team wants to use Top-Gun handles and have even started calling me Maverick."


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